Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought
Please don't say the R word
20 January, 2023Tags
A plea for project managers to stop calling people resources
Nobody leaves sober - whimsical trinkets considered harmful
18 July, 2022Tags
Why are the National Trust part of the national problem with substance abuse?
A Hippocratic Oath for Software Engineers
13 August, 2021Tags
What developers and doctors might have in common - towards a professional code of conduct for the tech industry
Goals are meaningless, apart from the meaning they provide
23 December, 2020Tags
I started this year without much in the way of goals or resolutions. Just as well really, given what 2020 has brought for us all. I…
Ton up - on reaching 100 parkruns
13 July, 2020Tags
It took me 2 years to get from my first Parkrun to my 50th, and just over 2 years to get from 50 to 100. That might suggest a steady plod…
Ask In The Channel: Private Messages Considered Harmful
26 May, 2020Tags
Anti-patterns in instant messaging, and why teams need to get more comfortable about being vulnerable.
Always leave them wanting more
27 December, 2019Tags
Apparently Amanda Palmer is doing a 4-hour show of songs and talking. It sounds horrible. Not because I have a particular dislike of Amanda…
A new beginning - a first run in Lewes
03 September, 2019Tags
Exploring new running routes in Lewes - a first trip North along the Ouse, with a few wrong turns and some nettles.