As I’ve mentioned before, I put a high value on code reviews - I think that they’re a great opportunity for learning. One of the most helpful things people can do when reviewing pull requests is to explain why they’re making a certain suggestion, perhaps by sharing a link to an article that explains the point in more detail.
Here are some links that I frequently copy and paste into comments on code reviews. Some of them are pretty old, but that doesn’t make them any less valuable.
Comments and maintainability
- Jeff Atwood - Code Tells You How, Comments Tell You Why
- Kent C. Dodds - Please, don’t commit commented out code
- Kristijan Kralj - Why Commented Out Code Is a Terrible Idea
- Naming things
- Good commit messages
Coding standards
- Kyle Schaeffer on Ems
- Harry Roberts on Specificity
- Zoe Mickley Gillenwater’s talk on Flexbox
- Flexbox reference
- Unitless line-height
I’ll try to keep this list updated when I find myself sharing other links.