1. Somebody leads me down to my cabin in the depths of the ship, where two young Japanese men are already getting settled in. One of them…

  2. The platform for the line to Fushiki was tucked away on the end of the station, in a place where nobody would be disturbed by its presence…

  3. Living in Japan, even in Tokyo, you get used to people looking at you slightly oddly. In spite of the last century and a half of…

  4. If your eyes are too wide open, you don’t see anything. You wander around in glazed bewilderment, overwhelmed by the sheer presence of Tokyo…

  5. “We seldom went to places off the established ways. It was as though, having come so far, we didn’t want to move about too much.” V.S…

  6. A storm was coming. There was no doubt about it, the only question was when. The rain had been hanging in the air, bulging down onto the…

  7. We didn’t really know what to expect as we got to the station. It was a slow start to the night, the rain and our hangovers combining to…

  8. Alistair Jackson stepped back and admired his handiwork. With the limited resources at his disposal, and considering his lack of experience…

  9. I crossed the bridge just before sunset, heading towards Manhattan. The sky was perfect, a glow of reddish-orange, fading through the…

  10. We sat on the beach, waiting. We thought we knew what it was we were waiting for, but when it happened it took us all by surprise. Like the…